Quality Control
The Quality Control and Assurance Department is responsible for Lockrey Manufacturing’s reputation for excellence. Our dedication to consistently producing superior products sets our company apart from the competition, and brings back countless repeat customers. Discover our thorough quality control procedures for yourself and partner with our team at Lockrey Manufacturing!

Quality Control and Assurance Department
The Quality Assurance Department and Inspection Lab is fully equipped with state-of-the-art metrology equipment to maintain proper measurement certainty and perform complete and accurate first article inspections when, and if, your parts and processes require that level of control.
Quality Controlled Equipment
While our Quality Control Department is beneficial, it would be incomplete without our cutting-edge quality control equipment. Our equipment includes:
- A Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
- Optical Comparators
- Profilometers
- Oasis Inspection System
- Portable Coordinate Measuring Machine FARO Edge Arm
- An arsenal of conventional hand-measuring instruments
We also utilize cutting-edge software including 3D metrology, Quality Management, Calibration Tacking, Statistical Process Control, and Gage R & R.

ISO Standards for Quality Assurance
Embracing ISO standards as a management system has allowed our company to provide assurance to our customers that complete part traceability and continuous improvement systems are in place. Meeting ISO standards is also notable because it marks Lockrey Manufacturing as a company that meets global standards.
Our ISO 9001 Certification
Achieving ISO Certification has also furthered our commitment to providing our customers with quality products and services that support our specialized machining and fabricating business. Quality assurance is not only an everyday activity, but a discipline and a commitment to our customers. Lockrey’s ISO 9001 Certification demonstrates our ability to continually improve efficiencies and effectiveness of company operations by having new market exposure and further challenging Lockrey to grow and succeed.